My Favorite Movie Scenes – Out Of Sight – Talking with Ray
The Setup: Jack Foley is a career bank robber who made his escape from prison along with some other Mexicans. Karen Sisco, from the Justice Department, happened to be at the prison when the breakout occurred, but she wound up being thrown in a car trunk with Jack while Jack’s friend Buddy drove him to safety. Karen soon afterwards got into a car accident with Studs, another man who was supposed to help Jack escape. Karen’s father runs a detective agency.
Reason(s) why I love it: Denis Farina was actually a very good actor. If you have the chance to see him in some films (such as Get Shorty and Midnight Run, each of which are great films in their own right), you should definitely do so. Karen’s dad only has a couple of minutes pf screen time in this movie, but he makes the most out of it. He gets off plenty of great lines (I still get a big laugh at his line “Tell me, Ray, do you ever wear one that says ‘Undercover’?”), and you owe it to yourself to watch the movie to see his final part of the conversation with Ray. Along with seeing a great movie.